Monday, September 17, 2018

Social Media Accounts Win! 

We are posting our Wessel Family Devo regularly on our Instagram and Facebook pages. 

Please check it out:

Gina Wessel Facebook

Gina Wessel Instagram

Friday, February 2, 2018

Embrace every Moment

I happened to come across this picture today on my computer.  I am just staring at it.... a bit numb.
I can't stop staring.  Devin (bottom left is 18 and graduating high school), Livia (bottom right is 16 and driving everywhere) and Kadin (staring at me.... is 15, and I literally told him he was 14 the other day- I really thought.....??)

BOOOO HOOOOO!  I want them little again, just for one day?!

I have LOVED every age and stage so far of being the MommaBear of these fine human beings, but no one, NO ONE can prepare you for how much it hurts to love them so hard and big and then feel them slipping through your hands into their future.  The future God has planned for them, that does not include me waking them up in the morning, or packing lunches or running them around to every little thing they want to attend.   It's okay.  It's God's plan.  Breathe. 

I guess what I am trying to say to MYSELF and to you today is..... EMBRACE EVERY MOMENT.
I want to do better, we still have so much left to experience together, but when I see this picture I realize we have already had so much and that my soul truly is full and content because we have each other. 

Let's not strive for everything to be perfect, let's strive to find the perfect in everything. 

It's there.

You see it in Devin's rosy cheeks and Livia's determined smile and that gaze of Kadin's.....?


Embrace every Moment.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

No Temptation has Overtaken You!!!

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10

Tim took a few minutes to encourage the kiddos to be strong in the Lord and to lean into His promise that He will ALWAYS provide a way out when you are tempted.   Temptation is not just about big things.... like sex, drugs and alcohol.   We are faced everyday with temptations such as deciding to listen to Gods still small voice or not, sharing gossip or listening to gossip, wasting time on tv and gaming instead of spending time with real people.... these temptations will form our lives and habits.   Making wise decisions now about these temptations will set the tone for a solid foundation in Christ all the days of our lives.

Trust Him.  He is faithful. He will provide a way out.... always!!!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

My Heart, His Home

I love the beautiful concept of our hearts as homes. That we would make our hearts His home. 

When we have family or friends over to our home we all usually jump in and run around cleaning up!  Scrubbing down surfaces and tucking clutter in closets so that things appear "together" and somewhat clean!  Lol 😂 

With Christ, we don't have to do that!  He doesn't want us to!  He wants us to be as we are , and just invite Him in.  

No need to scurry around trying to clean it all up and make things look perfect BEFORE He comes in ! He sees us and He is okay with entering into our chaos and living there and helping us clean up the mess. 

What a relief! 

It is a high privilege to welcome, to serve, to please and to know Him in my heart, His home. 


Monday, October 30, 2017

Consider it all Garbage!

 Paul is desperately trying to tell the Church "Wake up! Rejoice in the Lord ...Put your hope in the Lord.... and consider it ALL garbage, rubbage, a loss ..."
Your career
Your house
Your car
Your money
Your accomplishments 
All of this is garbage in comparison to knowing Jesus.  If you put your hope in these things they will ALWAYS disappoint and you'll find yourself exhausted. 

Put your hope in Him and rest!

*Good word from Pastor Brad Tate yesterday!!!*


Friday, October 13, 2017

Don't Calculate Without God

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will bring it to pass."  Psalm 37:5

God seems to have a way of upsetting the things we have calculated without Him.  We get ourselves into messes and we realize we have been calculating everything without Him.  Ouch. 

One thing that keeps us from the possibility of worrying is bringing God in as the greatest factor. No wonder we are worked up when everything else has been given the same value as God when we calculate.   Love does not calculate evil, it's not ignorant of the existence of evil, but it does not take it into account as a calculating factor. 

We cannot calculate properlyand in full faith without God in His rightful place of being first and as the greatest factor NO matter what we are up against. 

LET NOT your heart be troubled .... haul yourself up and put God in the center where he belongs. calculate with HIM as the greatest factor!!!


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wonderfully Made !!!

We talked a bit this morning about how we were made.  When you stop to think about the intricacy of our human body and every little thing that works together it is quite amazing.  We are truly wonderfully made. 

On top of our physical anatomy add the unique character and personality of each of us and the ways in which we develop and mature based on our experiences and surroundings. We played this video this morning called "still face experiment" which displays the way we were made to need love and acceptance in order to thrive in life.  (This video was played in my class last night called "Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You." ) 

No matter what we experience in life - good, bad or ugly GOD can restore and heal and cause us to live a full life in His love.  We've seen it, we've experienced it! 
Celebrating that we are all wonderfully made today!!