Thursday, November 9, 2017

My Heart, His Home

I love the beautiful concept of our hearts as homes. That we would make our hearts His home. 

When we have family or friends over to our home we all usually jump in and run around cleaning up!  Scrubbing down surfaces and tucking clutter in closets so that things appear "together" and somewhat clean!  Lol 😂 

With Christ, we don't have to do that!  He doesn't want us to!  He wants us to be as we are , and just invite Him in.  

No need to scurry around trying to clean it all up and make things look perfect BEFORE He comes in ! He sees us and He is okay with entering into our chaos and living there and helping us clean up the mess. 

What a relief! 

It is a high privilege to welcome, to serve, to please and to know Him in my heart, His home.