Monday, March 12, 2012

Gina - Proverbs 12

Proverbs 12:18 "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

Sometimes I think "Just SHUT UP!" not to others, but to myself.  It's not that I intentionally try to hurt anyone or "pierce them" but wow , words are powerful.  More and more as I grow up (LOL) I recognize how much wisdom comes from time and experience and while there are a few rare birds that are young and wise beyond their years - most of us grow into it.   I'm thankful that the Word of  God helps me along in my learning a bit quicker than I would with just life experiences.  Truth like this in Proverbs 12 -  penetrates my heart.  It stops me in my tracks, and  makes me think.  

My words were strong towards my tired and weary 9 year old last night as I was tucking him in.... he did not seem to get that I've been up since 5am on the DST day, at work by 6:30am , then right to a missions meeting, then to HIS basketball game, then his brother's basketball game, then to host some friends for dinner all while feeling a bit under the weather so I just wanted to go to bed...... and my words probably pierced like a sword, and while I was thankful that he and the Holy Spirit reminded me quickly that "that was not very nice" and I was able to apologize the sting was still there.  I said it.

So I tried to turn it around and let my "tongue bring healing".  I'm sure it did, but the truth is I still wish I had never said it and while he forgives me - I'm sure it hurt him and will be hard for him to just forget.


So with that - my encouragement today is - HARNESS the mouth, let SELF CONTROL rule and don't let those words that pierce like a sword slip out - lest you end up with a mess like mine!!

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