Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wonderfully Made !!!

We talked a bit this morning about how we were made.  When you stop to think about the intricacy of our human body and every little thing that works together it is quite amazing.  We are truly wonderfully made. 

On top of our physical anatomy add the unique character and personality of each of us and the ways in which we develop and mature based on our experiences and surroundings. We played this video this morning called "still face experiment" which displays the way we were made to need love and acceptance in order to thrive in life.  (This video was played in my class last night called "Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You." ) 

No matter what we experience in life - good, bad or ugly GOD can restore and heal and cause us to live a full life in His love.  We've seen it, we've experienced it! 
Celebrating that we are all wonderfully made today!!


Monday, September 25, 2017

All Things Work Together

In a world where distractions of what is truly important run deep and difference of opinions run high we celebrate an artist who has made a forever impact on our kids lives. 

Speaking truth and boldly proclaiming God's promises with a creative music presentation Lacrae does it again with his new album, All things Work Together.
Check it out: 

We talked a lot this morning about our country, our faith and our responsibility to  both.  It's so easy to get caught up and worked up over so many things and yet God helped us to bring it all down to loving God and loving people.  That's what God does, he keeps it simple.  We, tend to  over complicate ! 

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." -Matthew 22: 37-39


Friday, September 22, 2017

The usefulness of my Life

We read a story this morning written by Brennan Manning about a man who he spent some time with working and serving in France.  A group of them were talking about substandard wages and how their employers were never seen at church on Sunday, etc... and this man responded with a tear rolling down his check, " they don't understand."  
It immediately reminded him of what Jesus said on the cross.... " forgive them for they know not what they do."  

This same man ended up dying at 54 years old of cancer.  The last years of his life he spent working and sharing the love of Jesus daily at a local park.  When he did not show up one day, the people who looked forward to his daily visits at the park reported it and found out he had passed in his small apartment. 

In his journal by his bed - his last entry read: 

"All that is not the love of God has no meaning for me.  I can truthfully say that I have no interest in anything but the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. If God wants it to, my life will be useful through my words and witness. If he wants it too, my life will bear fruit through my prayers and sacrifices. But the usefulness of my life is his concern, not mine. It would be indecent of me to worry about that."

We are embracing the lesson for us this morning that ...we should not worry or work hard at the significance of our lives, let God use us how He will.  Let us pray for a heart settled with God on who we are and who we are not and live a life of love.  


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

True Discipleship

"The heart of discipleship lies in commitment and worship, NOT reflection and theory."  - Brennan Manning 

This quote caused some lively conversation about what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus.  It's easy to say you are a disciple of Christ and to even do some things that look like it (read your Bible, pray, join a small group...) but many stop half way. 

There are plenty of Christians who will give up possessions, friends and honors but it touches them too closely to disown themselves.  

Plunging yourself into a series of spiritual activities or lengthening your prayer time or getting involved in a church organization is not the sort of activity we are called to, we are called to a life completely commited to following God all the way, not half way.  A life of surrender without reservation.  No matter what it requires from us. 

“Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Matthew‬ ‭10:38‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Monday, September 18, 2017

Steps ordered by God

Sometimes we can be so distracted by what other people think and say that it totally spins us out.  We are feeling good about a certain direction or decision and then BAM, a friend says "seriously?" And now you are feeling like , now what? 

Been there?
While seeking wise counsel is good, we must seek God first and never allow others to take His rightful place.  

We heard a message yesterday about control and how we so like to be in  control of the outcome, of what others think of us and even what they do. 

Our egos and  our pride get in the way and we miss out on God's best by trying to manipulate the outcome.  LET GO!

Stop wasting time and energy on what is HIS alone  to determine  and start trusting Him with every little thing. 

Life is too short and precious to live in fear of the future and the unknown.  God offers us peace freely by trusting that He is enough and he's got this.  So let's lean in today and live different than yesterday -  be free!!!


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Faith & Action

When I was a teen, I remember a youth leader telling me that I will receive victory in life ONLY to the degree that I trust God. 

That statement, changed my faith to action, it wasn't long after I was boarding a plane to go to India for 3 months and God met me there in the middle of the poverty and despair. I'll never be the same. 

Now, a few years have gone by  (well maybe more than a few) and life has ebbed and flowed and with it my faith has increased and yes decreased.  I've had amazing "walk on water" moments and some of the darkest nights of my soul with what felt like not even a mustard seed of faith left. 

One thing I'm learning with my age and experience is that truly God meets you as you GO.  So many times we don't know the details, the plan or what the outcome will be, but faith in action steps out into the unknown and trusts God to do the rest. 
Leaning into His sufficiency stretches us, so let us boldly ask for God to increase our faith as we  move forward, go, trust  and step out and find Him there.  


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Seek First

Our family verse for 2017 is Matthew 6:33, it has been a lighthouse for us as we make decisions and journey this season of life.  

We are learning to not set out to establish our own plans, but rather to resign everything into His hands, to be obedient to His still small voice and wait for Him.  We have seen the wisdom in this through running ahead and paying the consequence of it!!!

Let's not interfere in His work nor hinder His plans, but rather resign to His way and SEEK Him first and let Him take care of the rest!!!!  


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Increase my Faith

James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, ask of God who gives liberally and without reproach..."

We had a really great and real conversation this morning about letting our guard down and conforming to this world. We live in a culture that will steal away your purity and simplicity and justify the consumerism over produced in hearts and our lives.  We pray - God give us wisdom in this battle. 

The days ahead may call for greater endurance and more robust faith than we've ever needed before.  Let's seek Him above all else and apply our heart to yield to His wisdom to overcome this world.  

Lord, increase our faith.  


Monday, September 11, 2017

God Sees You

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,which God prepared in advance for us to do." 
 Ephesians 2:10

We heard a great message yesterday about seeing yourself  as God sees you. We all have critics, naysayers and people who just want to bring us down, but God says we are mighty warriors, redeemed, valuable, important, empowered, gifted, wanted, secure and chosen. 

Romans 8 says "...NOTHING can separate us from the love of Christ...."

We were reminded from Judges 6 that Gideon had a moment where he wasn't feeling it... he was listening to others and his own negative self talk and the angel of the Lord said... "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior!"  Nice.  God sees what we can't. 

Forge forward into the truth of who you are in Christ and stop looking back, you are not going that way!!


Friday, September 8, 2017

Where God is

Jer. 45:5
"Seek thou great things for thyself?"

Oswald Chambers challenged us this morning - 

Are you seeking great things for yourself?  If you have only come the length of asking God for things, you have not come to the a place of abandonment, you have become a Christian from your own standpoint. OUCH 

Instantly God can put his finger on our motives if we are not seeking to simply know Him , but rather for what He can do for us.  Don't be deceived, get quiet and still and ask God to search your heart and bring you to a place of complete surrender and desire to know Him. You will find God Only in that vulnerable place. 

"It hurts to feel life.  To pause. To stop and listen to your own breathing. But you have to lay yourself open to it all.  Because that's where God is. There is no life apart from God, because God is not apart from life.  If you turn away, if you run, you will miss both."  - Heather Harpham 


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sturdier than the Original

Gen 50 "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good."

We read a story that Jen Hatmaker shared in her book "Of Mess and Moxey" about her dog shredding a very special heirloom blanket of her daughters that her mother in law knit for her. 

He tried to bury it in the backyard. 😩😮

She was so upset and took it to her mother in law and told her she didn't want another new blanket she just wanted this blanket.  Her mother in law (Jacki) washed the shredded yarn pile by hand, sorted out all the tangles and knots, and slowly, tenderly, over weeks and weeks, put the blanket back together, slightly different than before, but using all the same threads.  It was actually sturdier than the original. 

Sturdier than the original. 

The story of Joseph's life in Genesis 50 shows how God rewove the tattered shreds of his life together for good. The threads of hate, deceit, abandonment and injustice were refashioned into a beautiful story..... using all the same threads... sturdier than the original. 

In the face of despair, brokenness, pain or whatever you are going through ... we have this hope that as we come out of it we will be "sturdier than the original".

We can trust Him to reweave our lives. 


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Back to School - 2017

Ephesians 5:14 "Arise from the dead!"

Today is a special day, it's a day I've thought of in my mind often that was in our future, way out there ... and now it's here, upon us this day.
All 3 in high school together. 
Freshman Kadin
Junior Livia
Senior Devin 
Ok, give me a sec.... gotta take a breath. 

Our summer was busy with moving and adjusting to change.  I'm telling you, these 3 can do hard things.  "From the mouths of babes" and "childlike faith"  has never been in more true form to me than now.  They have embraced our downsizing experience like bosses and have brought us all to the resolve of new place  + new pace = new perspective. 

So proud. 

This morning we are back at our familydevo  blog. We read a simple text as an example of what Jesus says to us about our life.  We have ideas, dreams and visions and then somewhere along the way we realize we have no power to make them happen or we spin out due to life circumstance and so we slow down until we stop... give up, give in. Then God says "Arise!"  Our choice is, will we?  Do we get up?!  We must!  Like the leper asking for healing and the lame wanting to walk ... he said "arise!" And THEN they were healed, THEN they walked!  We must take the initiative to overcome by getting up , by obeying and rising up and when we do a remarkable thing happens - He gives us life immediately.  

From death to life, we are overcomers because of His great love for us. Let's arise today and be overcomers!