Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sturdier than the Original

Gen 50 "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good."

We read a story that Jen Hatmaker shared in her book "Of Mess and Moxey" about her dog shredding a very special heirloom blanket of her daughters that her mother in law knit for her. 

He tried to bury it in the backyard. 😩😮

She was so upset and took it to her mother in law and told her she didn't want another new blanket she just wanted this blanket.  Her mother in law (Jacki) washed the shredded yarn pile by hand, sorted out all the tangles and knots, and slowly, tenderly, over weeks and weeks, put the blanket back together, slightly different than before, but using all the same threads.  It was actually sturdier than the original. 

Sturdier than the original. 

The story of Joseph's life in Genesis 50 shows how God rewove the tattered shreds of his life together for good. The threads of hate, deceit, abandonment and injustice were refashioned into a beautiful story..... using all the same threads... sturdier than the original. 

In the face of despair, brokenness, pain or whatever you are going through ... we have this hope that as we come out of it we will be "sturdier than the original".

We can trust Him to reweave our lives. 


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