Deuteronomy 6:5-9 "Love the Lord our God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you SIT at home and when you WALK along the road, when you LIE DOWN and when you GET UP. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Study His Word!!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Leave the world, glad that you lived!
I read a quote from Tozer this morning that said of a man living a selfish life.... "when he dies, he leaves nothing to make the world glad he lived."
We talked about 2017 and how we want to bring in the new year LIVING LIKE WE ARE DYING. The truth is about our lives, none of us have a guarantee of tomorrow, not the young or the old. When I look into the eyes of people around me I want to them to remember my love and heart for them. That my living was for Christ and that my greatest desire for them was to know Him and love Him. I want them to be glad I lived.
We have been set free from the law of sin and death , set free to choose. Choose to a live a life FOR others and FOR a greater good or to squander it all FOR ourselves. When you know you are free to do what you will, and you will to be a servant you are walking the way of Christ.
Blessed is the man who follows Him.
Eph. 5:17 "Therefore do not be foolish, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Desire of our Hearts
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Our High Priest Shepherds Us!
The priest offered knowledge about God and deeply longed for the people to see salvation. Our God as our High Priest has tended directly to our spiritual needs.
Hebrews 4:14-16 "Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens - Jesus the Son of God - let us hold fast to the confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time."
I am so grateful for a High Priest who knows every little thing about me and loves me and who knows I'm frail and broken and protects me. I know that He remains the same, even in my wandering.....
I love that He shepherds me.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Soles in Motion
The theme for the night was Soles in Motion. When you pray, Move your feet.
The reason I was invited was because a few of the ladies came across my blog back in the summer about my obsession with my feet and where they would be and the condition of my heart during a pretty substantial transition in our lives.
I shared through my experience that it is very possible God won't give you all the details to your next assignment until you move your feet, until you put your feet where He tells you to put them.
Mary had an unexpected and terrifying visit from an angel. Once she got her head together enough to understand the announcement ( in the book of Luke - "...Mary... you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.") .... she asked one simple question... "How can this be?". Once the angel answered that question, Mary calmly trusted that if this was God's plan for her it must be the best plan. This tells us something about her relationship with God, her faith was obviously deep enough for her to offer herself as a willing servant and MOVE HER FEET despite knowing all the details. Details like Jesus would be arrested, put to trial, beaten and crucified and ...oh yah, that she would be present and experience the anguish of a Mother as her son dies a brutal death with the weight, the sin of the world on Him.
The true test of our FAITH and TRUST comes in our obedience... even when we don't quite understand and it's hard and maybe not even what we want. Let us respond like Mary... "I am the Lord's servant, May your word to me be fulfilled."
We don't have to be who we have always been, or what people expect us to be. We can embrace something different and new. We can walk a new road and take insane risks.... turning the page into the next and the new. God has a purpose and a plan for each one of us...
Scary as it might be, to step out into the great unknown..... wouldn't you rather live in a place where you are being empowered by an almighty God to do amazing things like a virgin birth, or walk on water like Peter, or step into the river and see the water pile up in a heap so you can pass right through like Joshua and the Isrealites? Absolutely impossible without God.
Yes... I'm in.
Oh Lord - Instill in us a desire to hear your voice
Courage to listen
Bravery to obey
& all the Grit and Guts we need to move our feet!
Monday, December 5, 2016
Peace, Be Still!!!
Friday, December 2, 2016
Kadin is 14!
Psalm 139 " For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb...
...We praise you Lord because Kadin was fearfully and wonderfully made!"
We took time this morning to tell Kadin all the things we love about him...
Things like...
Full of passion, you know it for sure when he gets "that voice"!
Loving and Kind
Family guy, proud of us
Loves hanging at home
Loves inviting people over
Rolls with Respect & Honor as a Wessel Man
Jams his tunes loud and proud (116)
Spits bars like no ones business! ("You got the Keys to the Kingdom!")
Stands tall in his faith
Crazy sense of humor that has saved us from some dark moments
Cares about people who are hurting or embarrassed, sympathetic
Takes time to tell people how he is feeling
Sick basketball skills and a mad passion to be better and better... love watching you play!
Nicknames include but not limited to - K, KK, KDiddy, Diddy, Did, KMoney, Dr.K, KillerK,...
Kadin Wessel - we love you forever and always. We are proud of you and we celebrate you and your day of birth! We cannot imagine doing this life without you. Thanks for being YOU.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Declare Truth!
The prophets were God's mouthpiece, bringing God's Word to the ears of a people who would be lost without it. Same holds true today, we would be lost without His Word.
Deuteronomy 10 tells us to.."fear the Lord your God by walking in all His ways, to love Him, and to worship the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul."
We talked about what it means to RESPOND to God's Word as it is being DECLARED. We all agreed that when you hear the Word of God being spoken it can truly penetrate into your soul and the secret places of the heart that only God could reach. It really is like a sword....
One of our favorite verses is written above our dining room table and we do our best to live by it as God has told us it is good and what is required of us.... Micah 6:8....
To Act Justly
Love Mercy
Walk Humbly with our God
Our prayer today is that we will DECLARE God's word confidently, and that we will RESPOND accordingly.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
God's prophets.... PROCLAIMED what was to come, CALLED for repentance and DECLARED the word of God. We are gutting these actions a bit this week.
In talking this morning about repentance it just does something to my heart. Makes it mush. I guess that is a good thing although sometimes it is hard to process why. I know that the Word of God says that it is "His kindness that leads us to repentance" so for that I embrace it and am reminded of His nearness.
We read the story of the prophet Nathan that came to David and told him of a story of a rich man taking from a poor man his only sheep.... and how David was so angry he said "this man should die!" and it was then Nathan told David "IT IS YOU"... because David had slept with Uriah's wife and then had Uriah killed to cover it up. Oh man..... that had to sting..... talk about being called to repentance?!
Not sure where you are at this morning, but I pray we NEVER get too far from hearing that voice weather it is a modern day prophet/Nathan (friend) or the still small voice that calls us to repentance! Let us never ignore that tug, that warning that draw.....
Joel 2:12-13 "Even now, this is the Lord's declaration... turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping and mourning TEAR YOUR HEARTS not just your clothes, and return to the Lord your God." For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, and He relents from sending disaster."
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Proclaim, Call and Declare!
The Old Testament prophets were set apart to deliver God's Word to His people. They all delivered various parts of the same message... the people need redemption and God's plan of salvation. AMEN!
Jesus was both the messenger of the redemption and the means through which it was accomplished. Until Christ, prophets were only the bearers of God's Word, pointing to another that would fulfill it. Christ came to us a prophet bringing the word of God, but He is also the ONE who would accomplish the salvation He and all the other prophets proclaimed.
A prophet PROCLAIMS what is to come, CALLS for repentance and DECLARES God's living Word. Jesus calls us to share in the work of proclaiming the message of mercy and grace He secured through His life, death and resurrection.
Isaiah 40:3 "Prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness, make a straight highway for our God in the desert. Every valley will be lifted up, and every mountain and hill will be leveled, the uneven ground will become smooth and the rough places, a plain. And the Glory of the Lord will appear, and all humanity together will see it, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken."
I can't help but consider my own life, and the ones I love around me... when I read "every mountain and hill will be leveled, uneven ground made smooth.." that is my God, that is His power not mine and in the midst of my life... He does that for me when I surrender my life to Him.
Thank you Jesus....
Thursday, November 24, 2016
One Thing
Lately I've come across many readings and conversations that have challenged me to consider my "one thing". Even though I enjoy many different "things" in life... if I can only pick "one thing" it must and always be JESUS.
Something about the resolve in answering that question so confidently over and over again gave me great peace. A refreshing dose of trust and reliance on Him and His leading. My one thing is JESUS and when He is center, when He is in control, when He calls the shots - what do I have to worry? What do I have to fear? He's my one thing.
My passion is clear .... My focus is spot on.....To know Jesus. To love Jesus. To seek Jesus.
Beth Moore wrote a poem that says...
He is Jesus
The One and Only.
Transcendent over all else.
To know Him is to love Him.
To long for Him is to to finally reach soul hands into the ONE TRUE THING
we need never get enough of.
Take all you want.
Take all you need.
Till soul is fed.
And Spirit freed.
Till dust is dust.
And Face you see.
Jesus Christ.
He's all you need.
On a path of transition that includes being still, listening and waiting nothing rests my soul like knowing He is all I need. I sense an excitement and anticipation in my soul this morning as I rest in Him.
Grateful this day for my JESUS, in Him everything else is set right.
Monday, November 21, 2016
A Heart as Beautiful as Yours...
People are beautiful. All of us are. Look into their eyes and begin to know another human being and you find pure beauty. Simply beautiful. I love to watch someone I don't know at the mall or across the room and see them interact with life and consider the Lord's love for them. How deep and wide the Father's love is for them. How He would do anything to ensure they understood how much He loves. It moves me.
Our hearts get broken sometimes, and we sure don't feel beautiful. We get hurt. We are betrayed. The sting of life and even death grabs a hold of us and we wonder if we will have the fight to get back up one more time. Holding on to the truth that "Greater is He living inside of me than he that is living in the world." helps us to moan and groan and turn from on our backs to up on our knees. Truth like "I've been made more than a conqueror" makes the strength in our legs and arms strong enough to push up off the floor and lift our heads to see a glimmer of hope. Praising Jesus in the hard times is when true beauty happens .... When I am overwhelmed and wonder if God can see me through, He often calls on me to worship. To worship out loud... before His ears AND especially mine... so I can be reminded of who HE is as I rise to my feet once again.
Lysa TerKeurst wrote " Bitterness, resentment, and anger have no place in a heart as beautiful as yours." and "There is an abundant need in this world for your exact brand of beautiful."
May I encourage you this morning..... the world needs to experience a heart as beautiful as yours! Don't tuck it away, bring it forward and trust love, even if it hurts sometimes. God will confirm your heart towards Him and will protect you and keep you.
You are so beautiful.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Raising Warriors
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Step into it!!!
Monday, November 14, 2016
Love does This....
The past week our family has had lots of challenges. It's everyday life stuff, but when you add the dynamic of 2 crazy adults and 3 very active teenagers....let's say it makes for interesting days! LOL
I love it, don't get me wrong. I lay my head down at night and think I can't imagine life without these amazing people I do life with everyday.
As a parent it's my job, my charge to "grow them up" to encourage them to make wise choices and to guide them towards our loving heavenly Father as they get further and further from my embrace and my covering.
Last week Livia had basketball try-outs (she made the team, although I'm not allowed to make a big deal out of it) and she had a lot going with homework and life demands and she was feeling stressed. I'm kind of a meany mom when it comes to everyone doing their own chores and refusing to do it for them...and as I pressed her .... this particular day I saw pain in her eyes, struggle in her step and I sensed a nudge to pay attention and be led. Thanks Holy Spirit.
Now, I made her favorite food that day and that made her smile. Love what food can do for a soul! I dropped her off the last day of try-outs with a "go get it girl, you got this" message and then I went home and took some laundry to her room.... when I opened the door my normal response would have been "Livia Grace!" but instead... God let me see her room as the condition of her heart. I stared and cried and then began to clean it and as I cleaned God impressed upon me a prayer like no other prayer over my little girl turning into a young woman. I loved her so deeply in that moment while picking up the trash, and washing her dresser and desk with lysol, picking up her cute clothing from the floor and all her graded pages of homework all with the letter "A" at the top...scattered all over the floor. I made her bed where she lays her precious head every night and sprayed her pillow with lavender for the nights rest to come.... and then I wrote a note and left it on her pillow that said "Love does this"....
I don't tell you this to pat myself on the back because I miss it so many times, but I tell you this to give my God glory for getting my attention through the Holy Spirit and letting me SEE my girl and LOVE my girl...... in everything.
If only I could get this right everyday.... I love being led by my Jesus.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Double Portion
Friday, November 4, 2016
Run back to your Father!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Big or Small... it's about Him!!!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Strong Faith - by Tim
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
For His name sake
Monday, October 31, 2016
Whoever FOLLOWS me ...
Friday, October 28, 2016
Love Part 4 - Let love lead !!!
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Love Part 3 Paused
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
LOVE Part 3
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
LOVE Part 2
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
We are gutting 1 Corinthians 13 (The LOVE chapter) this week. Today we talked about ENVY and BOASTING.
Envy forms from a jealous spirit, one that can't be happy for others that are succeeding or in a place of "feeling good" about life. Envy will eat you up from the inside out. It is sooo much better to embrace a real spirit of contentment with who God made YOU to be so that you can rejoice with others in their times of celebration and joy. Don't hold back such a beautiful part of life by being bitter and envious that you don't have what they have.
Boasting is evidence of pride in one's life. When you find the need to "one up" someone every time a story is told or when you have a great need to make sure people know all the great things you have done or can do... you are living a life of selfishness and you are missing out on the joy of just simply being and enjoying the beautiful lives of those around you.
Wake up ! Love does NOT envy, does NOT boast.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
An Effective Prayer
This scripture is one I memorized when I was 16 years old during my summer in India between my junior and senior year of High School. I found it to be one that really carried me through a time of growing my faith since I was not among close friends or family at all. Everyone I traveled with was "brand new " to me, therefore the comfort of my Heavenly Father and my time alone with Him was more precious than ever because it felt like......home.
Praying, was a big deal to me then because it was the only time I felt "not alone" even in a crowd of people. Of course, get back to the family and friends and the busy-ness of life and prayer drops down on the importance/need list. Bummer.
Truth though, as we grow in Christ we start to understand what FAITH can do, and prayer that has faith attached to it AVAILS MUCH. A fervent prayer from a child of God who believes wholeheartedly that God hears and WILL answer is powerful and effective.
Let us not fail to pray, but rather choose each day to set apart time to talk to the one who CAN and the who WILL and the one who LOVES us all.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Don't look back!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Soak or Snap?
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Unashamed - part 2 by Kadin
Monday, October 17, 2016
What if I Gave Everything ?
Friday, October 14, 2016
God is enough
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Examine yourself not others!!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Movement of God by Gina
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Unashamed by Kadin
Monday, October 10, 2016
He Never Changes!!
Friday, October 7, 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
What is inside comes out!!!
Friday, September 30, 2016
Crushed and Loved
If we are ever going to be made into wine, we will have to be crushed—you cannot drink grapes. Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed. To be a holy person means that the elements of our natural life experience the very presence of God as they are providentially broken in His service. We have to be placed into God and brought into agreement with Him before we can be broken bread in His hands. Stay right with God and let Him do as He likes, and you will find that He is producing the kind of bread and wine that will benefit His other children.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Hope in waiting
Let it be our prayer everyday of our lives.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Wherever you go!!!
Monday, September 26, 2016
Christ in me
We received many words of encouragement from the church yesterday and then many more as we read the cards from those who wanted to share a few words through a card. One note in the card referenced this verse and it was a good gauge of what we want everyone to always see in us wherever we go.
To sum it up it says ....
“I thank God for you because of the grace given you in Christ Jesus”
“In Him you have been enriched in every way with all kinds of speech and with all kinds of knowledge”
“God is confirming our testimony in Christ among you”
“You do not lack any spiritual gift”
“He will keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ”
“God is faithful”
It was so encouraging to hear that they saw Jesus in us ... in our gifts, in our faith, in our passion for Jesus. The things they said they saw and that they would miss were all about our relationship with Christ. Wow. Eye opening. We want our legacy everywhere we go to be exactly that. We want people to see Jesus in us and not us, we want them to thank God for us because of Jesus in us, we want to be a light to this world. What a beautiful day of hearing from our brothers and sisters - affirming God's work in us. Thank you.