Monday, November 14, 2016

Love does This....

1 Corinthians 16:14 "Do EVERYTHING in love."

The past week our family has had lots of challenges.  It's everyday life stuff, but when you add the dynamic of 2 crazy adults and 3 very active teenagers....let's say it makes for interesting days!  LOL
I love it, don't get me wrong.  I lay my head down at night and think I can't imagine life without these amazing people I do life with everyday.

As a parent it's my job, my charge to "grow them up" to encourage them to make wise choices and to guide them towards our loving heavenly Father as they get further and further from my embrace and my covering.

Last week Livia had basketball try-outs (she made the team, although I'm not allowed to make a big deal out of it) and she had a lot going with homework and life demands and she was feeling stressed. I'm kind of a meany mom when it comes to everyone doing their own chores and refusing to do it for them...and as I pressed her .... this particular day I saw pain in her eyes, struggle in her step and I sensed a nudge to pay attention and be led. Thanks Holy Spirit.

Now, I made her favorite food that day and that made her smile. Love what food can do for a soul!  I dropped her off the last day of try-outs with a "go get it girl, you got this" message and then I went home and took some laundry to her room.... when I opened the door my normal response would have been "Livia Grace!" but instead... God let me see her room as the condition of her heart.  I stared and cried and then began to clean it and as I cleaned God impressed upon me a prayer like no other prayer over my little girl turning into a young woman.  I loved her so deeply in that moment while picking up the trash, and washing her dresser and desk with lysol, picking up her cute clothing from the floor and all her graded pages of homework all with the letter "A" at the top...scattered all over the floor.  I made her bed where she lays her precious head every night and sprayed her pillow with lavender for the nights rest to come.... and then I wrote a note and left it on her pillow that said "Love does this"....

I don't tell you this to pat myself on the back because I miss it so many times, but I tell you this to give my God glory for getting my attention through the Holy Spirit and letting me SEE my girl and LOVE my girl...... in everything.

If only I could get this right everyday.... I love being led by my Jesus.

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